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BioC 2015 Workshop Abstracts

Detecting differentially bound regions in ChIP-seq data with csaw.

Aaron Lun.

Basics of image data and spatial patterns analysis in R.

Andrzej Oles, Wolfgang Huber.

An introduction to R and Bioconductor.

Bioconductor Core Team.

Working with docker and AMI containers for R, Biconductor, and common workflow language / Rabix integration.

Dan Tenenbaum (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA.), Tengfei Yin.

Gating Designed Experiments With openCyto.

Greg Finak (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA.)

This workshop will cover flow cytometry and CyTOF data analysis in BioConductor using the OpenCyto framework. Users will learn to read in raw data, perform compensation and transformation and gating, and generate figures using the new ggcyto visualization framework based on ggplot. The focus will be on designed experiments where multiple samples are matched (e.g. as treatment and control). Users will learn how to use OpenCyto to leverage the positive and negative control samples to derive data-driven gates.

FAQ Live! Common questions and expert solutions, delivered in person.

James MacDonald.


Kasper Hansen.

SGSeq and alternative splicing.

Leonard Goldstein

Challenges and opportunities from integrative analysis of multi-omic data sets.

Levi Waldron, Tim Triche, Aedin Culhane.

Bioconductor annotation resources.

Marc Carlson, Sonali Arora (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA.)

Differential expression, manipulation, and visualization of RNA-seq reads.

Mike Love.


Nicole Deflaux,

Approaches to management and analysis of large genomic data.

Valerie Obenchain, Martin Morgan, et al. (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA.)