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Bioconductor Developer Meeting Europe

Heidelberg, Germany

2010-11-17 ~ 2010-11-18


  • Simon Anders
  • Daniela Beisser
  • Florian Breitwieser
  • Jonathan Cairns
  • Vincent Carey
  • Robert Castelo
  • David Clayton
  • Leonardo Collado-Torres
  • Nicolas Delhomme
  • Berger Fabrice
  • Yue Fan
  • Bernd Fischer
  • Laurent Gatto
  • Julian Gehring
  • Florian Hahne
  • Wolfgang Huber
  • Holger Höfling
  • Misha Kapushesky
  • Georges Khazen
  • Christian KOHLER
  • Michael Lawrence
  • Friedrich Leisch
  • Anna Lesniewska
  • Crispin Miller
  • Martin Morgan
  • Arne Mueller
  • Michal Okoniewski
  • Gregoire Pau
  • Simon Perkins
  • Michal Piotrowski
  • Wolfgang Raffelsberger
  • Oscar Reina Garcia
  • Alejandro Reyes
  • Charles Roosen
  • Anthony Rossini
  • Ingo Ruczinski
  • Jesper Ryge
  • Mike Smith
  • Stefanie Tauber
  • Martin Telefont
  • Per Unneberg
  • Simon Urbanek
  • Maarten van Iterson
  • Mireia Vilardell
  • Xin Wang
  • Kathi Zarnack
  • Xian Zhang
  • Ing. Rolf Čábelka


This meeting was aimed at Bioconductor contributors and at users who want to become package developers. The goal of the meeting was exchange of technical experiences and new developments, and the coordination of related efforts.


Bioconductor News

Martin Morgan - New Developments in Bioconductor

Vince Carey - Selected developments in microarray processing and general annotation


Michael Lawrence - Qt and R

Wolfgang Huber - Interactive reports with DHTML, SVG, Javascript

Gregoire Pau - Exploration of high-throughput image-based assays with imageHTS


Simon Anders - DESeq for Alternative Splicing

Michal Okoniewski and Anna Lesniewska - Lightweight RNAseq analysis with BioConductor

Oscar Reina Garcia - High-Throughput Sequencing data analysis with R and Bioconductor


Ingo Ruczinski - Genotype and DNA copy number estimation (SNPchip, VanillaICE)

David Clayton - Developments snpMatrix


Robert Castelo - Network inference with ‘qpgraph’: recent developments and future challenges

Jesper Ryge - Circular statistics for eletrophysiology recordings

Maarten van Iterson - SSPA - Pilot data based sensitivity analysis for high-dimensional data

Reproducible Research in Practice

Vince Carey - Experimental data packages

Proteomics and metabolomics

Laurent Gatto - Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics/Metabolomics using R and Bioconductor

Laurent Gatto - Labelled quantitative proteomics with MSnbase

Laurent Gatto - Sub-cellular localisation of proteins with pRoloc

Florian Breitwieser - Mass spectrometry Proteomics and MIAPE

Yue Fan - digeR: a graphical user interface R package for analyzing 2D-DIGE (gel) data


Wolfgang Raffelsberger - gxTools: Automating Transcriptome Analysis

Julian Gehring - Identifying Loci of Enhanced Significance in Tiling Microarray Data

Leonardo Collado-Torres - Transcription initiation mapping and transcription unit identification in E. coli


Daniela Beisser - BioNet - Routines for the functional analysis of biological networks


Xian Zhang - Phenotypic dissimilarity analysis for high-content screening

Scalability and Performance

Martin Morgan - Efficient R Programming/Parallelization

Other Talks

Martin Morgan - Reference Classes in R