Afternoon Practicals (Labs)
- Generating quality metrics reports for microarray data sets
- String manipulations, efficient matching, and alignments using Biostrings
- Data mining with biomaRt and data visualization using GenomeGraphs
- Using limma for differential expression
- Using annotations and metadata in Bioconductor
- Using EBImage and imageHTS for analysing High Content Screens
- Using cellHTS2 for cell based assays
- Parallel Computing in R
- GGtools: genetics of gene expression with Bioconductor
- ShortRead: tools for input and quality assessment of high-throughput sequence data
- Automating the data import from the ArrayExpress database into Bioconductor
- Using the chipseq package to analyze high throughput sequence data
- Analyzing flow cytometry data in Bioconductor
- Using R in genome-wide analyses